bluffton nazarene
“People reaching people with Christ”
Our Kids Ministry seeks to teach all children about God while intentionally helping them create, build and maintain their personal relationships with Christ. Our ministry is driven to encourage students to share God’s love with the world. It doesn’t matter where the children are from, what school they attend, what they look like or what age they are; they are all loved by God and through his holy spirit able to love others. By the time they move out of the children’s department

Sunday School Hour: Nursery (0m-2yrs), Pre-K(2yrs-5yrs), Kinderchurch (Kindergarteners only), 1st-2nd grade, 3rd-4th grade, and 56ers (5th-6th)
Morning Worship: Pre-k (2yrs-5yrs), KinderChurch (5-6yr olds), Children’s Church (1st grade to 6th grade)
Sunday Mornings
Note: Currently our pre-k and Kinderchurch is combined; however, our intent is to have the classes separated again in the near future.
Sunday Evenings
Wednesday Evenings
The whole church body is together in the sanctuary
All ages meet in the children’s chapel (K-6th).
All children are checked-in by a volunteer, who has been background checked and is NazSafe certified, at the children department’s entrance. All families are asked to complete a registration form for their children upon their first visit. This allows us to make sure we can properly take care of your children while they are with us! Once a child is properly checked-in they will be escorted by the Check-In clerk or a fellow student to their age-appropriate class. When services come to a close, all children will remain within the children’s department until their parent/guardian comes back to the check-in desk to check-out their child(ren). In order to keep our children safe, no one that has not been background check or NazSafe Certified is allowed to enter the children’s area.


Our Nursery has recently been renovated in the Spring of 2020! With this the nursery now shares the Kid Lobby with the Check in desk making drop-off and pick-up time simpler! Some of our nursery amenities include a crib room- for quiet sleeping as well as a changing area with a sink.
Our 2 yr olds through Kindergarteners have their own classes, separate from the older students. By having these groups separate from the older students is so that their learning styles are met for their age groups!


Children’s Church happens during Sunday Morning worship and incorporates students from the first grade to the sixth grade! During our children church hour we try to engage all learning styles. We have a time for music, our bible story and activities to engage the students in what we learned during that day. On the fourth Sunday of every month we explore missions.
Our fifth and sixth graders are known as the 56ers! The 56ers are leaders within our department. Our hope with have a 56ers team is to train young leaders with various responsibilities. These students walk visitors to their classrooms, greet other kids as they enter the Children’s church, help run our computer, lead music, as well as lead our games, crafts or other activities. Once a month our 56ers go on an outing; which included bowling, roller-skating, the zoo, a service project and more! By having a 56ers group we hope to instill community in them as they move up to the teen department.


We are a church that has a heart for special need students! Having had several special needs students take part in our program, we try to adapt and meet each of our students needs to the best of our ability. We are always learning when it comes to serving special needs students, but we are open to learning more!
Some of our amenities include Safe Zones. Located in our Children’s chapel, Safe Zones are considered to be any of the tables; however, we have made two specific tables in the back of the chapel. Each of these tables are covered with dark table clothes that students can go underneath to self-regulate and rejoin once they are able.
All of our children’s rooms, including the nursery, have cameras to ensure your child’s safety!
Only background checked, NazSafe certified volunteers are allowed in the children’s area.